Services & Resources
Courtesy of Bowie State University Archives
All Historically Black Colleges and Universities are invited to contribute to the HBCU Digital Library Trust. To broaden discoverability and access to digitized archival content from HBCUs, the HBCU Digital Library Trust will provide support and digitization services at no expense to contributing HBCU institutions. Digitized resources will be accessible via the existing HBCU Digital Collection to support research, teaching, learning, and scholarship for a variety of users.
All rights and ownership are retained by the contributing HBCU, and all digitized items contain a rights statement with HBCU contact information.
The Digitization Hub at the Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library in Atlanta, GA, offers a variety – or combination – of services to meet the needs and capacity of contributing HBCUs. Additionally, a traveling archivist will be available to provide hands-on assistance with selection, inventorying, and packing of materials at HBCUs.

Digitization, Metadata and Access-
HBCU library/archives staff selects archival materials for digitization representing a broad history of the institution. Materials must be clear of copyright restrictions related to digital display and use.
HBCU library/archives staff packs and transfers materials to Digitization Hub.
Materials are digitized by Digitization Hub staff according to program best practices. *Some materials may require outsourced digitization and/or conservation by a trusted vendor, such as select audio and video formats (see Outsourced Digitization Service for more details).
HBCU library/archives staff collaborate with Digitization Hub staff to create descriptive metadata.
Digitization Hub staff uploads access files and associated metadata into CONTENTdm for access. Preservation files are processed for long-term retention.
Original collections are returned to contributing HBCU along with copies of all image files and metadata.
Metadata and Access-
HBCU library/archives staff selects archival materials for digitization representing a broad history of the institution. Materials must be clear of copyright restrictions related to digital display and use.
HBCU library/archives staff digitizes materials at their institution in alignment with program guidelines and best practices.
HBCU library/archives staff transfer preservation and access files to Digitization Hub.
HBCU library/archives staff collaborate with Digitization Hub staff to create descriptive metadata.
Digitization Hub staff uploads access files and associated metadata into CONTENTdm for access. Preservation files are processed for long-term retention.
Vendor-facilitated digitization-
HBCU library/archives staff selects archival audio and video formats for digitization which represent a broad history of the institution. Materials must be clear of copyright restrictions related to digital display and use.
Digitization Hub staff provide recommendations for approved vendors or HBCU library/archives staff provides recommended vendor for approval to digitize materials in alignment with program guidelines and best practices.
HBCU library/archives staff transfer preservation and access files directly to approved vendor for digitization.
Digital files are transferred to the Digitization Hub for metadata creation and upload into CONTENTdm. Preservation files are processed for long-term retention.
Vendor or Digitization Hub returns original collection to contributing HBCU along with copies of all image files and metadata.
Shared Access-
Option for contributing HBCU library/archives that already have digital content in an existing repository and recognize benefit of expanding awareness and access to digital holdings.
HBCU library/archives shares metadata and thumbnail images with Digitization Hub staff.
Digitization Hub staff create metadata records linking to the images in the existing repository