Material Formats
Courtesy of Bowie State University Archives
Formats which can be digitized through the
HBCU Digital Library Trust Digitization Hub:
Photographic prints
Photographic negatives and slides
Documents and manuscripts
Bound volumes
Large format items
Audio and video formats (may require outsourcing to a trusted vendor)
Material Formats and Types
The HBCU Digital Library Trust welcomes a myriad of materials documenting the history, culture, and heritage of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Contributing HBCUs must take care to select archival materials for which the institution holds copyright.

Recommended and Preferred Types of Materials
Institutional History
Recordings of campus speeches, athletic events, performances (audio and/or video)
Bulletins and course catalogs
Portraits of presidents and faculty
Campus activities and Student life
Ceremonies and events
Buildings and grounds
Student Life
Student newspaper
Greek life
Notable achievements – institution-wide, academic, athletic, etc.
Founding and/or Administrative Documents
President’s Reports
Board minutes
Official correspondence from Administrators regarding a topic or historic occurrence