Courtesy of Lincoln University of Missouri Archives
My HBCU did not previously contribute to the HBCU Library Alliance Digital Collection. Is it possible to participate in the HBCU Digital Library Trust Initiative at this time?
Yes, all HBCUs are eligible to participate in the Trust initiative to expand the digital collection whether or not they previously contributed.
What is Harvard Library’s connection to the HBCU Digital Library Trust?
Harvard Library is pleased to be in partnership with the HBCU Library Alliance with the shared goal of advancing open, public access to archives and special collections pertaining to African American history. In addition to nearly $6 million which has been designated to support the Trust through the Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery initiative, Harvard Library staff will also contribute administrative resources, training, and best practices to aid in the project’s objectives.
Will my HBCU institution retain copyright and ownership of any digitized materials contributed to the HBCU Digital Library Trust collection?
Yes! All copyright and/or ownership of archival materials and digital derivatives will be retained by the respective HBCU. Digitized materials will be openly accessible to anyone with an internet connection. A statement providing contact information for researchers wishing to request permission to publish from the HBCU will continue to be found within the metadata for digital objects.